Collection de caféiers sauvages. Photo: Axel Fassio/CIFOR
Yangambi abrite d’importantes collections botaniques in situ et ex situ qui permettent aux scientifiques d’étudier la diversité génétique de la flore du Bassin du Congo. Un important programme de recherche visa à identifier de nouvelles espèces de caféiers sauvages et à effectuer des expériences d’hybridation pour produire des cultures plus résistantes.
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BGM coffee nursery in Yangambi - DRC.
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Taking a sample of a wild coffee plant in Yangambi. Botanic Garden Meise coffee research - DRC.
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Coffee near Yangambi, DRC.
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Botanic Garden Meise wild coffee nursery in Yangambi - DRC.
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PhD botanical student Depecker taking a GPS point next to a wild coffee plant in Yangambi - DRC.
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Botanical researcher Bienfait observing a wild coffee sample in the herbarium of Yangambi - DRC.
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Taking a sample of a wild coffee plant in Yangambi. Botanic Garden Meise coffee research - DRC.
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Taking a sample of a wild coffee plant in Yangambi. Botanic Garden Meise coffee research - DRC.
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Botanic Garden Meise wild coffee nursery in Yangambi - DRC.
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Measuring activity, Botanic Garden Meise wild coffee research in Yangambi - DRC.
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