Forestry ecosystem of Democratic Republic of the Congo is the base of rural people economy. But, these people do not have sustainable practices on natural resources. Therefore, the objective Pursued in achieving the present study is to determine the impact of the peasant practices on the local natural resources and to analyze the role of traditional power in Ngbete and Mabangaâs villages. To achieve this, we submitted 63 persons to a mixed questionnaire. We completed the methodology in using the unstructured individual interviews. The average age of those surveyed varies between 30 and 50 years. The main findings show that the traditional authority doesnât influence positively the sustainable use of wildlife. Though, the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (CINC or ICCN in French) which is in charge of Rubi-Tele hunting domain hasnât the appropriate means for taking care of this protected area. In this case, the traditional authority who could ensure the sustainable management of natural resources, especially the wildlife, is in the lack of legitimacy whose the roof taken in the history of creation of these villages, namely Mabanga and Ngbete. This situation leads to the scarcity of wildlife which is the main source of peasantâs income.