Charcoal trade in Yanonge. Photo: Axel Fassio/CIFOR
About the research
Studying local value chains of forest products such as wood fuel and timber contributes to improve forest governance. The informal nature of these sectors and the growth of domestic markets call for new approaches to include small-scale producers in a legal framework to improve the sustainability of their activities.
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Orbagen improved stove company in Kisangani - DRC.
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Member of a women association with charcoal produced from the surplus of CFT 's wood production, Kisangani - DRC.
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Charcoal produced by a women association from the surplus of CFT 's wood production, Kisangani - DRC.
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Member of a women association with charcoal produced from the surplus of CFT 's wood production, Kisangani - DRC.
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Members of a women association with charcoal produced from the surplus of CFT 's wood production, Kisangani - DRC.
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Orbagen improved stove production company in Kisangani - DRC.
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Improved kiln construction in the outskirts of Likolo, Yanonge - DRC.
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