Community forestry meeting in the village of Bokuma - DRC.
Village of Bokuma - DRC.
Outskirts of the village of Bokuma - DRC.
Village of Bokuma - DRC.
Village of Bokuma - DRC.
Outskirts of the village of Bokuma - DRC.
Village of Bokuma - DRC.
Outskirts of the village of Bokuma - DRC.
Community forestry meeting in the village of Bokuma - DRC.
Community forestry meeting in the village of Bokuma - DRC.
Village of Biondo - DRC.
Village of Biondo - DRC.
Outskirts of the village of Biondo - DRC.
Village of Biondo - DRC.
Village of Biondo - DRC.
Village of Utisongo - DRC.
Village of Utisongo - DRC.
Village of Ikongo - DRC.
Village of Ikongo - DRC.
Village of Ikongo - DRC.
Village of Romee - DRC.
Village of Romee - DRC.
Village of Romee - DRC.
Village of Romee - DRC.
Village of Romee - DRC.
Meeting on community forestry at UNIKIS, Kisangani - DRC.
Meeting on community forestry at UNIKIS, Kisangani - DRC.
Meeting on community forestry at UNIKIS, Kisangani - DRC.
Meeting on community forestry at UNIKIS, Kisangani - DRC.