July 25, 2019
Selva del Congo: nuevos investigadores para viejos enigmas
Los bosques tropicales de Ăfrica central son el segundo pulmĂłn ...
July 24, 2019
Desconocido y casi intacto: asĂ es el segundo pulmĂłn verde del planeta
En un laboratorio creado a pie de selva, una renovada ...
July 16, 2019
Congo Basin: Unraveling the past to predict the future
First wood biology laboratory in sub-Saharan Africa has opened in ...
June 12, 2019
Landscape restoration is electrifying!
Bioenergy to flip the switch on deforestation and poverty in ...
June 7, 2019
Rhythms written in the wood of tropical trees
Do tree rings mark the beating of the seasons over ...
April 28, 2019
Wood biology laboratory, first of its kind in Sub-Saharan Africa, opens in Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) has launched a ...
March 29, 2019
Can DRC’s community forests lift people out of poverty?
A new review unearths doubts....
March 14, 2019
Unlocking the secrets of tropical trees
A young Congolese researcher earns his 'cutting edge' stripes....
January 11, 2019
Protecting Congo’s botanical treasures
A win-win for science, people and the environment....
November 12, 2018
From research to action to protect the Congo Basin forests
CIFOR director general visits FORETSâ project site in DRC ...